深圳市勍骏科技有限公司是一家集開發和生產微特電機的專業廠家,具有很強的技術開發能力和製造能力,產品適用於各種視聽、辦公、通訊設備、家用電器、醫療器械、保健用品、電子玩具及電子設備。勍骏科技本着真誠的服務和良好的信譽贏得了廣大客戶的認同和支持,同時與各供應商組成了緊密的利益共同體,使公司步入了良好發展階段,為勍骏電機持續發展戰略目標打下了堅實的基礎。 shenzhen QINGJUN motor Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer to decelop and produce micro & special motor. It has strong technique developing ability and manufacture capacity. Its products are applied in various kings and visual eqipments office automation equipment ,communcation equipment ,famlily electrcal appliances, medical appliances, health care products, electronic toys and so on. |